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Provider requirements

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Provider requirements:
All the criteria below are essential criteria

 Provider Section

 Providers must Structure the event to matching defined educational needs carried out prior to the development of a CME activity, The process of a needs assessment is designed to identify the gap between a current situation and a desired situation.

- There are different types of needs assessment:

  •  Evaluation results from a previous activits
  • Surveys of potential participants
  • Publication of a new clinical guideline or new research
  • discussion a changes affecting patient care


- The discrepancy between the current situation and desired situation must be measured to appropriately identify the need. The need can be a desire to improve current performance or to correct a deficiency.

- A short description of this needs assessment process and derived educational needs must be provided and clarified at CME Activit Accreditation form

Identify the expected educational outcome(s) of the event.

- An expected educational outcome is a formal statement of what participants are expected to learn in an event. Expected learning outcome statements refer to specific knowledge, practical skills, areas of professional development, attitudes, higher-order thinking skills, etc. 

- When defining an event’s learning outcomes, action verbs must be used to express what participants will be able to do. Ex. Analyze, create, compare, evaluate.

- Outcomes description must be provided in the accreditation request and the feedback reports .

Define the target audience.

- Accredited event is open to all interested medical and other healthcare professionals,

- The target audience must fall the CME Event educational needs . The target audience must therefore be explained in terms of profession and specialty .

- EACMED® certificates can therefore be distributed to any other healthcare professional attending the accredited event and wishes to benefit from EACMED® credits.

Feedback and the Attendance report .

-Provide a reliable and effective means for the learners to provide feedback on the event, The provider must commit to make available to the EACMED® a report on this feedback and on the provider’s responses to this.

-Feedback  report creation is a provider responsibility and  to ensure that a feedback form is completed by the participants at the end of the event. The feedback form must include questions on the lecturer, presentation, content, value of each session and educational outcome. 

- EACMED® has right to access and demand this feedback reports.

- Based on the Participants feedback reports the provider must Prepare and submit a general feedback report (better known as “event report”) . Event report  guideline ( Event report template )

- Participants Attendance report creation is a provider responsibility and  to ensure that is Accurate.Attendance report guideline ( attendance roster template )

- Participants will be able to receive their certificate of attendance Illustrated the number of credit Point corresponding to their actual attendance.

- The provider must submit a provider feedback report (better known as “event report”) to EACMED® reviewing team within 1 week of the completion of the event via Manage CME Accreditation feedback reports link.

Additional  .

- Submit information regarding the expected total number of participants attending the event and the schedule of registration fees .
- Expected total number of participants:
This number includes all participants in the event whether they are specialist doctors or not. .
- Registration fee:
The event may be provided free of charge but only if all participants are admitted without fee , registration Fees not including Accommodation and other facility 


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