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CME continuing medical education

Continuing medical education consists of educational activities which serve to maintain, develop, or increase the knowledge, skills, and professional performance and relationships that a physician, dentist and pharmacist uses to provide services for patients, and the provision of health care to the public. 

Purpose OF CME

The purpose of CME is different from that of primary medical education (medical schools).Whereas primary medical education provides the basic foundation that is necessary for initial license to practice medicine, CME ensures exposure of the licensed physician, dentist and pharmacist to current and acceptable medical information. This new information should be incorporated into the practice and, therefore, this is reflected on the quality of medical practice and development of the health care system. 

CME Quality Highlight 

The EACMED® provides accreditation for medical education of the highest quality, EACMED® supporting the best and most up-to-date patient care in Egypt. In order to guarantee this high-level education, Our Scientific committees set  a appropriate Quality standards For Egyptian accreditation system

Easy and Reliable System 

Sign the online application form ►Receive the Acceptance Email ►Pass the reviewing process and get your international Accreditation reference number

Read more about CME provider Accreditation 

International CPD Accreditation Bodies Recognized By DHP-AS and gulf region